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Nine point eight



At Nine Point Eight, we don’t just unlock culture; we ignite it. Transforming dormant spaces into vibrant hubs, we create centers of gravity where people from all walks of life converge to experience the transformative power of music, art, and culture. As a registered charity (Charity Number: 1208298), we are dedicated to enriching communities and fostering creativity. Drumsheds in London, our flagship venue, epitomizes this mission by offering a dynamic, multi-use space that continuously reconfigures to host a variety of incredible events and activities, fostering human connection and cultural exchange.

In its first year, Drumsheds has exemplified Nine Point Eight’s mission by becoming a dynamic cultural epicenter, uniting hundreds of thousands of people through a rich array of events. The venue has hosted electrifying music performances, vibrant flea markets, impactful charity events, and diverse exhibitions and conferences. By adapting its versatile spaces for various uses, Drumsheds has reinforced its role as a groundbreaking venue that fosters community engagement and creativity, creating lasting connections and memories for all who experience its transformative environment.

At our core, we are deeply committed to inclusivity, understanding that a thriving cultural environment relies on diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. This commitment is central to everything we do, from the events we host to the spaces we transform. At Drumsheds, this ethos is reflected in our dynamic programming and versatile spaces, which are designed to welcome and engage a wide range of audiences. By embracing this inclusivity, we ensure that Drumsheds not only serves as a vibrant cultural hub but also fosters a sense of belonging and connection for everyone who experiences it.

Central to our mission is the conviction that cultural exchange is vital for nurturing creativity and fostering mutual understanding. By bringing together artists and audiences from diverse backgrounds, we spark meaningful conversations, ignite inspiration, and cultivate solidarity amidst diversity. Through these efforts, we not only enrich the culture of our local communities but also contribute to the broader narrative of human expression and connection.